Hacking for the Kingdom: In conversation with Kingdom Code's Andy Geers

I am a big believer in Christians taking an active interest in the world of technology and pioneering how we use it to grow the church, connect the church and see lives transformed. One of the great ways we can see this happen is through actually getting the church together around these ideas.

This week I caught up with Andy Geers from Kingdom Code, who this October will be hosting the Code for The Kingdom Hackathon in London to do just that. 


JP:  Andy what is Kingdom Code?

AG: Kingdom Code is a group of developers, designers, tech entrepreneurs, data geeks and general techies who are united by their love for Jesus and a desire to use our gifts in his service.

JP: Why did you think it important Christians engage in this discussion?

AG: Whether we like it or not, our culture is absolutely saturated with technology. It's essential that we engage with that from a Christian perspective- and what an unprecedented opportunity to reach the world with the good news, and build up God's people across the globe!

Whether we like it or not, our culture is absolutely saturated with technology. It’s essential that we engage with that from a Christian perspective
— Andy Geers, Kingdom Code

JP: How can people get involved?

AG: We're really excited to be organising a Christian hackathon weekend in London from 2nd-4th October, as part of a global initiative by Code for the Kingdom. If anyone is interested they should sign up now athttp://kingdomcode.uk/hackathon 
We also do regular London meetups throughout the year on weekday evenings.

JP: How do you think God is using technology today to unite the Church?

AG: Just like in the days of Jesus the Roman roads and Greek language allowed the gospel to spread at speeds previously unheard of, the Internet is an amazing tool for spreading ideas and reaching previously inaccessible places with high quality resources. It's such a great opportunity for those of us who have been blessed with much to share with those who would otherwise be so isolated.

You can register to be a part of the upcoming Hackathon below! See you there!

Register To Attend!

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