An all new look - Welcome to the Internet and Things.

Having just spent a week (some of which in a tent) at Focus 2015 I had a little time to reflect on the subject of the week - calling.

One of the things I have always loved to do is speak publicly, perform poetry and write about how the internet and the things we use to access it everyday are changing the way we work, play and connect with one another.

Fresh Content

So after some soul searching I have taken the plunge and revived this site - with an all new gallery of previous talks and sermons and my back catalogue of poetry which for too long has sat dormant in the archives of my old site.

The new cover pages feature in SquareSpace 7 really rocks, shame about the guy in the photo.

The new cover pages feature in SquareSpace 7 really rocks, shame about the guy in the photo.

With the great deal from the guys at SquareSpace and on recommendation of my pals at Relevant I have given the whole thing a face lift (in less than 24 hours of work!), so like a kid with a new box of pencils we are ready to hit the new Autumn terms with a home slightly more worthy of some effort.

In the mean time I am also working on the long talked about but little completed Whisky + Milk site where you can find more daddy-blog-esq related content as we seek to raise Mini Milk in this digital world.

Happy reading.